#TBT: This time last year and moving forward

This time last year I had finished weeks of intense study, furiously learning how to build this website and blog, creating clipart, headers and all the artwork to put on the site, and then I set it free to the wonderful world of internet. At which point, I was tired of looking at it. Terrible thing to say, but sometimes, when you spend so long on something that involves a lot of headaches and frustration, it’s best to walk away and take a break.
However, taking a break can have it’s drawbacks, at least for a person like me. I’m one of those people who will nitpick things into the ground, wanting it to be perfect and, by the time I feel like it’s ready to share, the moment for doing so has passed. For 2015, my intentions are to start using this blog I worked so hard to create, and to share the things I create with all of you. Be patient with me. My pictures may not have the perfect lighting, and the background may have something out of place or that needs dusting, but somehow I will overcome that itch to fix everything and (in the great words of Nike) JUST DO IT. Or in this case, blog it!