Patchwork Quilt Along Big & Small, Block 4

Happy Easter weekend, friends!

I wonder how many of you are spending it sewing Block 4 of the Patchwork Quilt Along? Or are you rushing about to family functions and all the other activities that come along with a holiday weekend?

In this month’s Big Block, I’ve given two cutting measurements for pieces A and D. The first are the enlarged cutting measurements which follow the Fat Quarter Shop’s instructions completely. The second suggestion (one 8″ square for each A and D) is for the Speedy 8 Method (as I like to call it), which allows me to speed cut and sew  eight oversized HST blocks at one time, then trim them to size with my Bloc-Loc rulers.

Patchwork Quilt Along Using Bloc Loc

I have written about Speedy 8 in several posts, including this one from the Snapshots Quilt-Along which includes links to helpful downloads and tutorials. If you’d like to use the Speedy 8 Method, click over to that blog post and use the 8″ squares for pieces A and D. Otherwise, just cut the four squares each for A and D.

Here is your Big Block for Month 4. Click the PDF link under the picture, and it will take you to Dropbox to open/download the file and print. You do not need to have an account with Dropbox to do this.

PWQAL Big and Small, Block 4 │ Out of the Blue Quilts by Sondra Davison

Big Block 4 PDF Download (from Dropbox)

Big Block 4 PDF Download (direct download)

Update: I’ve added a second download link because sometimes (don’t ask me why!!) one will work for some people, but not for others, so this will hopefully eliminate that issue. If you do run into any problems, please let me know. Thanks for all your input, as it really does help!

Each month during 2017, Fat Quarter Shop will post a new free pattern and video tutorial for the Patchwork Quilt and encourage participants to donate to Make-A-Wish Central & South Texas in lieu of payments. Fat Quarter Shop and Moda Fabrics will each match up to $10,000 of the donations raised. (#awesome)  Learn more about it and how you can help here!

Check out the blogs every month of our quilty friends. Watch their process, and see what fun fabric collections they have selected!

*Psst! The designers of the quilt’s fabrics – Bonnie & Camille – are sewing along, too! Fun!

Amanda from Jedi Craft Girl (@jedicraftgirl)
Amy of Diary of a Quilter (@diaryofaquilter)
Andy of A Bright Corner (@abrightcorner)
*Bonnie of Cotton Way (@bonniecottonway)
*Camille of Thimble Blossoms (@thimbleblossoms)
Debbie of Happy Little Cottage (@happylittlecottage1)
Greg of Grey Dogwood Studio (@greydogwoodstudio)
Heidi of Buttons and Butterflies (@buttonsandbutterflies)
Melissa of Happy Quilting (@happyquiltingmc)
Melissa of Oh How Sweet (@ohhowsweet)
Pat Sloan of (@quilterpatsloan)
Renee of Sewn with Grace (@sewnwithgrace)
Sedef of Down Grapevine Lane (@downgrapevinelane)
Sherri of A Quilting Life (@aquiltinglife)
Sondra of Out of the Blue Quilts (@sondradavison)
Taunja of Carried Away Quilting (@taunjalynn)
Tina of Emily Ann’s Kloset (@emilyannskloset)
Carrie Nelson/Miss Rosie of Moda Cutting Table

Please share your progress and creations along with all of us on our Patchwork Facebook group. Post your blocks using #patchworkquiltalong on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


  1. I’m confused! Are you still making a five inch block? Just cutting it down with your ruler? I love the pattern but want to make a runner for my table. Can you tell me how to make this block bigger? Thanks!

    1. Hi Jan! I’m sorry about the confusion. No, I’m not making a five inch block. I’m making a 15″ block with my “Big Block” measurements. The only thing being trimmed down are the oversized half-square triangles that go into the 15″ star block. If you use the referenced Speedy 8 Method (making 8 HSTs at one time), you will need to trim only those. I love the table runner idea. Making three Big Blocks and sewing them together without sashing would make a nicely sized, 15″ x 45″ table runner. Add sashing between the blocks and borders, even bigger! If this didn’t answer your question, let me know and I’ll email you with more information.

  2. Yes still confused! The pattern calls for a five inch block. If you only go big on a & d what about the rest of the blocks? Can you post the whole thing to make a 15″ block? Also I don’t know what you mean by hat or cutting down with a block lock, I don’t have one of those. Also how much material do you need of each fabric? Sorry for all the questions!

    1. Lol! I’m going to guess you haven’t been making the Big Block versions of the Patchwork Quilt Along before now, so the confusion is completely understandable. I’ve sent you an email to try to explain in more detail.

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