Wednesday weigh-in…

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Today is going to be a double-blog sort of day, because I've decided to take my dirty little secret public. Uh huh….I belong to Weight Watchers…….going close on two years now.  Don't even ask how many times I've lost the same five pounds.  It's embarassing every time the instructor says "Sondra? You earned a five-pound star?" and I have to answer "No, ma'am. Already earned it. About a year ago." My "atta girl" book would be packed by now if I had accepted all those unearned stars.

So why am I talking about it now? Motivation. Pure and simple. In May I hit a milestone birthday and I decided that I should learn to run.  Not as in running errands or running about with friends…I mean run. As in a 5K type of running. Even talked half my family into signing up on a team for us all to do a 5K in October. One of those really cool ones where they throw colored cornstarch at you as you pass by (or pass out…who knows). Yep! We're going to do the kind of running that makes it hard to breathe and you sweat a lot!

A girl in my WW class had mentioned the running idea, that she never thought she could do it, and now was doing it. I thought, why not? I have NEVER been a runner in my life.  I was always the "big girl" growing up. Sports and gym classes were not among my competencies. So I downloaded a C25K app on my phone and got started.  Plus, I had bought some really cute running shoes just a week or so before that my sister-in-law had purchased, too, so I felt I really should justify owning a pair of running shoes. (so cute though! who could resist?) Oh! And check out those matching socks!!

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So what does this C25K have to do with my WW weigh-ins and this blog? Accountability. The app on my phone has the coolest feature. After you finish a run, hit a button and it posts to Facebook.

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Day after day, run after run, as the weeks progressed, it was addictive. I needed to hit that post button. I couldn't quit. People were watching. That was the key.

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So, I'm hoping to achieve the same success here, by giving a weekly report. No more yoyo-ing on that five pounds. Today I had a weigh in. Lost 3.6 pounds…..don't start the woot woot! just yet, as I gained 3 pounds last week (note to self: should never do cocktails and a late dinner before a 10am weigh-on). I hope this will motivate me to lean more towards this:

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And maybe, I can eventually learn to turn up my nose to something like this (or at least stop at one):

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See you next week for a full report!

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