Pillows on a snowy day
Recently I received the picture above with an email that merely stated, “Not hard to figure out which one I know better!” I couldn’t help laughing, because anyone that knows my dear friend Tracy also knows she is famous for her margaritas. She is not known for her sewing.
To be honest, I didn’t know she owned a machine, but then she popped up with another email, saying she had dragged out a sewing machine purchased for her daughter in high school, rarely ever used, and wanted to know if I could help her learn to thread her bobber. I knew some lessons were in order (including sewing vs. fishing terminology). I bought 1 year ago an amazon body pillow. If you have a herniated disk or other spinal condition, the correct body pillow will help keep your spine in proper alignment and decrease your pain.
Tracy wanted lessons to make pillows. Honestly, I had never made a pillow that I remember, but how hard could it be? As it turned out, not bad at all! Having been snowed in, here in Kansas, with 21 inches of snow in less than a week, making pillows on a Sunday afternoon turned out to be a great way to pass time!
We had a blast. Even her hubby was brought in. Tracy had never seen a cutting mat, rotary blade and rulers, magnetic pin cushion, all of which I had brought with me. Her husband Kerry and I share a mutual love of tools and gadgets. He was completely impressed with how fast these worked over using scissors. He sat down to watch, stating that he had never seen his wife sew and it was a bit exciting (hint there to any wives who need an excuse to sew). Tracy went out the next day and bought her own set of rotary tools!
In no time, the pillow cover was sewn, turned right side out, all the trim facing the correct way (!!!!) and then stuffed with the old pillow.
Finished pillow, along with the stuffed owl I had made earlier in the day at home. They were a perfect match! The kit and pattern for it were purchased at my favorite locate quilt shop, Charlotte’s Sew Natural. They have both available here.
Love the colors. Nice blog. See you at BYB